Abbey Clergy and Staff


Rector of Bath Abbey in robes, standing before a cross on the altar

Revd Canon Guy Bridgewater, Rector of Bath Abbey

01225 422462

The Revd Canon Guy Bridgewater was licensed as the Abbey’s 29th Rector in a special service of welcome on 26 November 2018. Guy joins us from Horsham, Sussex where he was the Team Rector and Rural Dean for eleven years. He was ordained in the Diocese of Salisbury in 1987 and has since served the church in many different ways. Prior to Horsham, he was Diocesan Missioner and Residentiary Canon in the Diocese of Gloucester and has also held posts in Dorset, at Lee Abbey in Devon, as Vicar of Cranbrook in Kent.

Revd Stephen Girling, Bath Abbey Missioner

Revd Stephen Girling, Abbey Missioner

01225 422462

Stephen joined the Abbey's clergy team in April 2015 and has a particular responsibility for the outward facing work of the Abbey in the city, and with communicating the Abbey’s message to visitors. He is also the Area Dean of Bath, with oversight responsibilities for the Anglican churches in the city and surrounding villages. After five years as a defence scientist, Stephen was ordained as a priest in the Church of England in 1991 and has served in suburban and rural parishes. He is married to Diane and they have four grown children. He is constantly looking out to discover the new things that God in Christ is doing in his world, and to discern how we are being called to participate with him.

Chantal - Website

Revd Chantal Mason,
Abbey Pastor

01225 422462

Chantal was licensed by Bishop Ruth as Bath Abbey Pastor on 6 September 2020. She has a background in secondary education, and taught in Exeter for six years before being ordained in Exeter diocese in 2008. Chantal brings a variety of pastoral ministry experience. She has ministered in a suburban and rural parish in Exeter diocese, as Bishop’s chaplain to Stephen Cottrell in Chelmsford diocese, as Lazenby Chaplain at the University of Exeter, and she has recently worked in a creative Ministry and Media role at Lee Abbey, Devon. Chantal brings a special interest in Church Communications, the Creative Arts and the New Monasticism.

Revd Evelyn Lee-Barber, Associate Priest at Bath Abbey

Revd Evelyn Lee-Barber, Associate Minister

01225 422462

With a background in business and team development, Evelyn was ordained in June 2013 and came to Bath Abbey as a curate to train. A recent masters degree enabled her to pursue her interest in teams and leadership writing a dissertation entitled 'Servant not master; re-imagining time in Christian Leadership'. She is married to Chris and  has two daughters and a cat.



Nigel Rawlinson, Associate Minister

Nigel and Pat joined the Abbey Christian community in 2019. Nigel was ordained in 1999, and stayed in self-supporting ministry, working as a doctor in A&E, and Palliative Care, and as Director of Student Affairs in Bristol Medical School. This location of ministry is fascinating, and “outside church”.

After 35 years in medicine, he was appointed University Chaplain in 2016. He is also Assistant Area Dean, working with Stephen.  He believes that people have more faith than they realise, especial at times of crisis. He loves enabling and growing faith in Jesus, building on the foundation stones of 1: A narrative of building Christian unity, 2: a practice of compassion, and 3: A habit of prayer


Revd Cath Candish, Curate

01225 422462

Cath was ordained on 25 June 2023. Cath joins us after a year as Interim Minister at St Andrews Community Church in Foxhill.  Before that, she trained at St Mellitus college, London. Cath lives in Combe Down with her husband John, two teenagers, an elderly mother and her carer, two dogs and a cat. She is a linguist with a background in homelessness, refugees and international development. Cath moved to Bath four years ago from her family farm on Exmoor. Prior to that she has worked in London, Nottingham, and rural western Tanzania.

Melinda - Website

Melinda Welch, Youth and Families Minister

01225 422462


Revd Ken Madden, Associate Minister

Revd Ken Madden, Retired Minister with Permission to Officiate

01225 422462

Ken served as Headmaster of three independent preparatory schools, including eight years in Kenya, before being ordained in 2009 in Gloucester. After moving to Bath in 2013 he joined the ministry team at St Michael’s Without and from 2018 joined Bath Abbey as an Associate Minister. Since retiring in 2021 Ken now has Permission To Officiate and continues to enjoy a varied and active ministry at the Abbey.

Ken is married to Libby and they have three married children and eight grandchildren. He has a particular interest in the First World War and goes with Libby most years to serve as Wardens at Talbot House near Ypres. He sings in the Bath Minerva Choir and enjoys all sports, especially watching rugby and cricket, and is a member of Bath Golf Club.

Executive Director & Churchwardens

Frank Mowat, Executive Director

Frank Mowat, Executive Director

01225 422462

Frank joins Bath Abbey from HSBC Bank where he was a Regional Director. He is MBA qualified and his commercial knowledge and experience is extensive having spent the last 36 years advising and supporting businesses and charities achieve their goals. Frank is responsible for developing the commercial activities of the Abbey pre and post the completion of our Footprint programme which will involve forging strong relationships with the local business community, schools and local visitor attractions.

Frank has lived on the outskirts of Bath for the last 25 years with his wife Dawn, their two children and his dog Ted. He is a Bath Rugby season ticket holder and enjoys running, going to the gym and travel.

David Babb, Churchwarden

David Babb,

If you would like to leave a message for David, please call the Abbey office on 01225 422462 and he will get back to you when he can.

Andrew - Website

Andrew Bragg, Churchwarden

If you would like to leave a message for Andrew, please call the Abbey office on 01225 422462 and he will get back to you when he can.

Abbey Office

Lynn Cornish, Receptionist

Lynn Cornish, Receptionist and Concerts / Office Administrator

01225 422462


Sue Clark, Worship Administrator

01225 422462



Huw WIlliams, Director of Music at Bath Abbey

Huw Williams, Director of Music

01225 303313

Mary Horner, Music Administrator

Mary Horner, Music Support

01225 422462


Gary Desmond, Deputy Organist

Gary Desmond, Deputy Organist

01225 422462


Dewi Rees, Assistant Organist

01225 422462


Jenni - Wesbite

Jenni Potter, Communications Officer

01225 303320


Natalie Cox-Mullins, HR Officer

Natalie Cox-Mullings, HR Officer

01225 303344

Fiona - Website

Fiona Hasoon, Worship and Ministry Support Officer

01225 422462


Fay - Website

Fay Breed, Events Manager

01225 303313


Cath Foxwell, Fundraising and Development Manager

Cath Foxwell, Fundraising and Development Manager

01225 303314

Sarah - Website_4

Sarah Fielding, Head of Visitor Experience

01225 303315

Chloe - Website

Chloe Wardle, Visitor Experience Officer

01225 303315

Katie - Website

Katie Evans, Visitor Experience Officer

01225 303315


Polly Andrews, Learning Manager

01225 303319

Dr Cathryn Spence, Archivist & Curator

01225 303324


Donna Lodge, Shop Manager

01225 303327


Helena Parfrey

Helena Parfrey, Deputy Shop Manager

01225 303327

Jo - Website

Joanna Cook, Head of Finance

01225 303323

Karen Gallagher, Assistant Accountant

Karen Gallagher, Senior Finance Officer

01225 303323

Drew Aitchison, Custodian

01225 303328

Tim - Website

Tim Yeomans, Facilities Manager

01225 422462


Jay Long, Verger & Operations

01225 303328

Ed Harrison-Smith, Operations Team

Ed Harrison-Smith, Verger & Operations

01225 303328

Richard - Website

Richard Bray, Operations

01225 303328


Natalie Cox-Mullings
Safeguarding Officer

01225 303344

At Bath Abbey, we are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, and all staff and volunteers who are in contact with children or vulnerable adults have undergone CRB checks.

Additional Support

Simon Ingram-Hill - Website.

Simon Ingram Hill, Legacy Officer

01225 422462

Planned Giving Officer (Voluntary)

01225 422462