Congratulations to our new Head and Deputy Head Choristers and new recruits

Congratulations to our new Head and Deputy Head Choristers, Wilf and Lawrence who were installed in their new posts of responsibility by Rector of Bath Abbey, The Revd Canon Guy Bridgewater, at Sunday’s Choral Evensong and presented with their medals…

Bath Abbey to receive £246,000 from third round of the Government’s Culture Recovery Fund

Bath Abbey among nearly 140 heritage organisations to benefit from share of the £15.5 million latest round of awards This award will help safeguard the historic fabric of Bath Abbey and help ensure it continues to offer a warm welcome…
Luke Jerram's Museum of the Moon at Bath Abbey - day time

Experience Rachmaninov’s iconic ‘All Night Vigil’ performed by the Bath Abbey Choirs under the Moon

Luke Jerram’s Museum of the Moon will be ‘landing’ in Bath Abbey on 20 November. Among those who have been hard at work preparing for its arrival are Bath Abbey’s Choirs of Girls and Lay-Clerks. For the past 8 weeks,…